Norton County Childcare Program
In-Home Childcare Start-Up Loan
Through Strategic Doing, community stakeholders have identified the need for additional childcare providers in Norton County. As a result, the Norton County Community Foundation (NCCF) has developed the In-Home Childcare Start-Up Loan program. The program aims to serve new, in-person childcare providers through its Impact Investment initiative.
NCCF will provide loans for capital expenses needed to open a new, in-home childcare facility.
Funds are available up to $5,000 per facility.
Larger loans may be considered on a case-by-case basis, as determined by the NCCF Board.
Loan rates for operating in-home childcare facilities will be set at 3% APY.
If the facility closes, the loan rate will increase to 12% APY.
Maximum length of loan: 5 years.
Funds are available through NCCF's Economic Impact Fund.
Northwest Kansas Economic Innovation Center will act as the loan servicer.
Contact our office by phone (785-874-5106) or email.