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Developmental Services of Northwest Kansas, Inc.

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Developmental Services of Northwest Kansas, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit providing services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) in the 18 northwestern most counties of Kansas. Services are available through community-based and outreach programs, and interagency agreements with other service providers.


In Norton County, DSNWK operates two group homes and the Frontier Developmental Center. They serve thirty-two people with intellectual or developmental disabilities and have twenty-eight staff members.

In Norton County, DSNWK operates two group homes and the Frontier Developmental Center. Frontier Center provides structured learning opportunities covering life skills, educational, and recreational topics tailored to each individual so they may live a life of purpose and fulfillment. DSNWK serves thirty-two people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD) and has twenty-eight staff members in Norton County. 


“We advocate with persons with disabilities and those who care about them by planning and supporting a life of dignity, interdependence, and personal satisfaction in the community. “

MatchDay Fundraising Project

Name of Project/Initiative: Frontier Development Center Refresh


Fundraising Goal: $2,700


Project Description: The project involves excavating and pouring concrete in the voids on the east side of Frontier Center. The existing landscaping will be removed that extends six feet from the building. The purpose of this project is to address the voids and sunken concrete, improving stability and maneuverability for the employees


and persons served while also improving the aesthetics of the building’s surroundings and appeal to the public.


How the project will benefit Norton County

Overall, the project's benefits extend beyond the immediate improvement of the Frontier Building's surroundings.  It positively impacts safety, aesthetics, property values, the local economy, and the long-term durability of the area, contributing to the overall well-being and prosperity of Norton County.  DSWNK is supportive of efforts to improve and maintain our facilities to enhance community pride.

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