Recipients of the 2019 Storefront Renewal Project grants were announced at the Reimagine Downtown event on August 7, 2019 at the Heaton Building. The Storefront Renewal Project, sponsored by the Norton City/County Economic Development (NCCED) and the Norton County Community Foundation (NCCF), offers matching grants to businesses in Norton County to beautify and upgrade storefronts, signage, and sidewalk approaches.
Recipients of the 2019 Storefront Renewal Grant Program and their projects are:
110 Bar & Grill: limestone veneer façade, awning, and signage
Guardian Home Health: awning, siding, and signage
Norton County Health Department: signage
Shirk Family Dentistry: sidewalks
Engel’s Sales and Service: awning, signage, windows, and door
Thistle Inc.: green metal siding, signage, and awnings
Thread Junkies Boutique: awning
The Razor’s Edge: commercial door and awning
H&R Block: landscaping
Kowpoke Supply & Lumber: awning with an updated logo and signage
Bullseye Event Center: new window and door
Office Space owned by Shannon Esslinger: awning
“It was very inspiring to see so many applications come in for the 2019 Storefront Renewal Program,” said Mike Posson, Executive Director of NCCED. “The proposed scope of work from Norton County’s business owners demonstrates their high level of commitment to continually raise the bar through investing in property renovations and updates. The generous financial support from both the Norton County Community Foundation and the Norton City/County Economic Development boards is nothing short of remarkable. These provided match funds allow business owners’ dollars to be leveraged for an even greater impact with long-lasting and positive changes which benefit the community as a whole.”
Through the Storefront Renewal Project (completed in 2009, 2010, 2016 and now 2019), $62,000 in matching funds have leveraged a total of $170,000 in investments to Norton County storefronts.
“The Norton County Community Foundation is proud to support the 2019 Storefront Renewal Project,” said Tara Vance, Executive Director of NCCF. “We know this program works; we have seen the impact of these grant dollars in past years, and we look forward to seeing the changes businesses make to their buildings as a result of this year’s funding. Planned gifts to NCCF can help ensure that programs like this will continue in perpetuity. We invite anyone who’s interested in learning more about this to call or visit our office.”